וכלכלי  שוויון זכויות חברתי

וכלכלי שוויון זכויות חברתי

Barbra Streisand’s passion to improve the world stems from her Jewish heritage and commitment to tikkun olam, repair of the world. In her honor, The Genesis Prize Foundation made a total of $1 million in grants to seven organizations working in fields about which she is passionate: women’s health, climate change, truth in the public sphere, and humanitarian support to the people of Ukraine.

Equity In Women's Health

Equity In Women's Health

The Women’s Heart Alliance at Cedars Sinai is on a mission to prevent women from needlessly facing and dying from heart disease and stroke by focusing on research, prevention, and care unique to women.

Fighting Climate Change

Fighting Climate Change

League of Conservation Voters Education Fund turns environmental values into national, state, and local priorities by educating politicians, candidates, and voters.

National Resource Defense Council seeks to reverse the worst effects of climate change by bringing litigation to enable the federal government to regulate pollution and implement practical clean energy solutions.

Combating Disinformation

Combating Disinformation

The Streisand Center for Truth in the Public Sphere at UCLA is focused on disinformation and misinformation which threaten American and global democracies.

State Leadership Project actively combats online disinformation through the Disinformation Defense Federation and (re)educates voters and those affected by the lies. Please email courtney@committeeonstates.org for more information.

Aiding Ukraine

Aiding Ukraine

United24 provides critical medical aid to Ukrainians affected by the war.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society has been helping refugees for over 140 years and is actively working today to resettle Ukrainian refugees.